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Army Days
2RTB March 1968
Poet-at-Arms 1968: 'The minstrel boy to the war has gone...'
2RTB March 1968
TD and accomplices cleverly concealed by bushes at 2RTB in Puckapunyal
during recruit training. 'They'll never find us here, lads!'
2RTB April 1968
L to R: John Boothby, John Dries, TD, John Grubb. Terry kept his (strictly
non-regulation) guitar hidden away up in the roof of the hut. The NCOs would
come in and say: 'Recruit Dowling, get that guitar down and give us a song!' The
platoon song was TD's lyrics to the tune of 'Botany Bay.' It always helped to
have a sense of irony.
3TB May 1968
Nigel Tanner and Terry turn out a song in the D Company hut at 3TB in
Singleton. These were vivid and fertile days. The whole Singleton experience
would later form the basis of Terry's linked collection, Blackwater Days.
F-Troop July 1968
Terry (second from right) as a member of 3TB's very own F Company.
3TB Staff 1969
School photo military style. Terry is back left. Shrewd lad that he was, he
worked with the only seven women in the battalion. Think M*A*S*H with Aussie